Sanitary and Safety Protocols
You are a vital part of our community, and your health and safety is our top priority. Please know that you will be returning to a safe environment, and we will be implementing recommendations and guidelines for social distancing and cleanliness to protect you. The measures implemented at Bend Reflexology include:
Screening/Masks: Everyone entering the Wellness Center — staff and guests — are screened for symptoms and required to sanitize their hands. Everyone wears a mask. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided.
Cleaning: We are conducting frequent, thorough and enhanced cleaning protocols throughout the workplace. This includes disinfecting all common areas, including hallways and restrooms. Laundry is handled with clean, gloved hands and stored in designated closed containers or plastic bags. All laundry is single use before laundering. Soiled linens are transported to the laundry area in designated closed containers.
Social Distancing: We will be following social distancing guidelines, remaining six feet apart.
Hand Hygiene: We have hand sanitizers throughout the workplace, and hands can be cleaned easily and frequently. We also encourage washing hands with soap and water often. Good hand hygiene is essential to good health.